The Ultimate Guide to Family Life After Adoption
Adoption & Beyond Serving Kansas and Missouri Familes

Transitioning Home After Adoptive Placement
There’s no feeling more amazing than bringing home your child for the first time. Whether they are coming by way of natural birth or adoption – the feeling is indescribable. All new parents must prepare for the arrival of a new child.
Adoptive Parenting Â
Adoption is a big decision. Preparing for the arrival of a new child can be an emotional rollercoaster. It requires planning, research, and plenty of support. Before your newest family member makes an appearance, it’s paramount that you take some time to yourself to really wrap your head around all the changes that are about to happen in your life and what they mean for the future.Â

Parenting Through ChallengesÂ
Adopting a child is a beautiful journey. One filled with purpose, love, and challenges. Understanding your child’s history will help you meet and overcome those challenges more easily. It will also strengthen the bond you build as a parent and child.Â
Parenting through adoption can be one of the most life-changing experiences you will ever face. Adoption & Beyond’s experienced staff have been touched by adoption both personally and professionally. It’s because of this experience that we have committed ourselves to helping children and families through adoption. We are by your side for every step in the adoption journey. To learn more about the adoption process for prospective adoptive parents, get your information packet below.Â
Talking to Your Child About Adoption
At Adoption & Beyond, we work closely with families in Kansas and Missouri as you undergo the adoption process. From beginning to end and beyond, we’re here for you. One of the questions we frequently receive as an adoption agency is, when and how to talk to a child about their adoption. To help you reach and overcome this obstacle, we’ve compiled some information on this topic. Â

Stories from Adoptive Families Â
The adoption process does not end once a child is placed with a family, it continues on as the child grows within the family. Below you will find stories from individuals and families who have opened up to share what life has been like after their adoption was finalized. Â
- Life After Adoption: The Kelly Family
- Our Lives Changes When We Adopted – The Pommier Family Story
- Life After Adoption: One Family’s Story on Adopting Three Siblings
- Adoption Story from Adoption & Beyond Team Member: Brittany Sheets
- Adoption Story: Maria & Alex
- An Adoptive Family Just As Full of Love As Any Other: The Lohaus-Fast Story
- Our Children Are the Joy of Our Lives: The Hamer Family Adoption Story
- Embracing the Unexpected: Niki & Paul’s Adoption Story
- Brittani and Esteban’s Life-Changing Adoption Story
- Adoption Story: We Aren’t Any Different Than Any Other Parents
We are by your side for every step in the adoption journey. To learn more about the adoption process for prospective adoptive parents, get your information packet below.