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Parenting Routine

There are so many positive ways to raise children, whether they are biological or adopted.  At Adoption & Beyond, we get many questions about parenting techniques and how best to approach raising children.

With so many labels floating around out there, such as:

  • Lawnmower Parent – Someone who mows down the challenges and obstacles for their children before they occur.
  • Helicopter Parent – Parents who hover over children ready to remove potential danger or hardship at a moment’s notice.
  • Tiger Parent – Authoritarian parent style with a strong focus on academics and extracurriculars.
  • Unicorn Parent – A new modern parent with a laid-back style and a “the world is your oyster” attitude.

Whatever parenting style you choose, what’s truly important is that your child is raised with love and compassion.

To help increase your confidence as a parent, we’ve compiled a list of some common parenting techniques we frequently recommend.

Consistency and Routine

Children crave structure, and this comes with consistency and routine. A specific time for eating, for quiet time, and an organized bedtime routine all go toward creating a safe and comfortable place for your child to grow up.

Consistency is a great way to show your child that even when you’re out of sight, you’ll always come back for them. It helps them transition into new experiences like daycare or school and makes mealtimes, grooming times, and bedtimes easier to maneuver.

You can create consistency in your home with charts and stickers, or simply by dedicating your family to a routine.

Redirect Approach

Redirection is a nurturing approach to parenting meant to reduce accidents and behavioral issues. The concept revolves around the idea that when a child is about to do something they shouldn’t, you redirect that energy and focus into something productive and safe. For example, if your toddler is reaching for an electrical cord, rather than shouting, “no!”, you redirect their focus to a favorite toy, story, or activity. The electrical cord goes forgotten, and overtime, your child becomes less focused on those things they’ve been redirected from.

Redirection is an amazing way to help your child learn good behavior and safe habits without using a negative response.

Utilize Unconditional Love

Love is a powerful tool that helps your child develop feelings of belonging, self-awareness, and a positive self-image. There are many ways to implement love in your parenting style, such as using empathy in difficult situations and responding to sadness or anger with support and positive physical contact, such as a reassuring pat on the back.

During an argument with your child, a hug can go a long way toward mending bridges, over a stern lecture or a frown. Trying to find the middle ground and putting yourself in your child’s shoes before reacting to a situation helps you deliver your response with love.

Consult a Professional

Needing help as a parent is sometimes misconstrued as weakness or failure. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Everybody needs help from time to time, even parents. Professionals can be a supporting voice, a shoulder to lean on, or a place to learn.

For adopted children especially, working with a professional who understands adoption and can provide insight into feelings your adopted child might have, will go a long way.

Contact Adoption & Beyond Today

If you’re a new parent, or you’ve adopted and now you’re curious about your parenting techniques, we would love to help. Adoption & Beyond is a non-profit adoption agency helping families in Kansas and Missouri. Contact us at 1-913-270-1392.

Interested in learning more about The Ultimate Guide to Family Life After Adoption?  Check out our entire guide here.

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Steffany aye

Founder & Director

Connect With Me

Meet Steffany Aye, the heart behind Adoption & Beyond since its inception in 1998. Fueled by a deep passion for supporting both birth and adoptive parents, Steffany's journey as an adoptive parent has continued the foundation for this non-profit adoption agency.

Drawing from more than 26+ years of dedicated experience, Steffany and her team are committed to crafting warm, thriving families through child-centered adoptions. Their inclusive services, free from any form of discrimination, reflect Steffany's unwavering dedication to the beautiful tapestry of adoption.