Category: Birth Mothers

Myths and Truths About Adoption

Whether you are a family embarking on the adoption process or a friend or family member of someone who wishes to adopt, you’ll encounter many myths that persist about the process. It’s important to confront these myths and discuss them. Doing so will help ease anxiety...

Teaching Adopted Children Their Story

Parents of adopted children will one day face the question about whether or not to tell their child the story of how they came to join the family. An intensely personal decision, parents must make the decision that is best for the child and family. There is no easy...
Myths and Facts About Adoption

Myths and Facts About Adoption

There is an enormous amount of information about adopting children on the Internet, some of it is useful and some of it just clutters the rest. Clutter like comments on message boards or forums that perpetuate myths about adoption or foster care; comments that can...
Exploring Concerns of Birth Parents, Part 2

Exploring Concerns of Birth Parents, Part 2

There are many questions and concerns that birth parents face when embarking on the journey to understand the options surrounding adoption. At Adoption & Beyond, we want you to be at peace with any decision you make, so we are providing a periodic blog series to...
Exploring Concerns of Birth Parents, Part 2

Exploring Concerns of Birth Parents, Part 1

There are many questions and concerns that birth parents face when embarking on the journey to understand the options surrounding adoption. These decisions are based around not just information but also emotions and intuition. At Adoption & Beyond, we want you to...
Birth Mother of the Week

Birth Mother of the Week

irth mothers are heroes. If you’ve adopted a child, or you’re looking to an adopt a child, you know what a selfless, incredible act it is for a birth mother to decide to put her baby up for adoption. She knows that she’s not able to provide the care,...