Category: Birth Mothers

What Are Outreach Cards (and Are They Useful)?

What Are Outreach Cards (and Are They Useful)?

People are often curious about outreach cards, and if they would be beneficial in helping find an expectant parent considering adoption. When used correctly, without a doubt, the answer is yes!  There are two ways to use outreach cards in adoption. The first, which I...
Communication Before the Baby Arrives

Communication Before the Baby Arrives

Expanding your family through adoption is an exciting and wonderful experience. As you wait for your newest family member to arrive, you may have questions or concerns you wish to voice to the expectant parents. Communication is the key to any successful adoption, but...
How to Guide a Prospective Birth Mother on Her Options

How to Guide a Prospective Birth Mother on Her Options

As a healthcare provider, you are tasked with overseeing the wellbeing of your patients. For women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, there are both physical and emotional aspects of care to be considered. Experiencing an unplanned pregnancy is a life-changing event...
What a Birth Mother Should Know About Adoption

What a Birth Mother Should Know About Adoption

Bringing a life into the world is no easy task, especially if you are feeling unsure about it. While all children are a blessing, not everybody is ready to parent when they become pregnant. As your body and emotions change throughout your experience with pregnancy,...