Notable Kansans and Missourians Kids Can Look Up To

Notable Kansans and Missourians Kids Can Look Up To

Kids are ever curious about their surroundings. They love to learn little tidbits about what makes their home state special. And since Adoption & Beyond serves families seeking adoption services in Kansas and Missouri, we have compiled a list of influential...

Fun (Non-Scary) Autumn Activities for Little Kids

The autumn season is full of ways to celebrate. Decorating pumpkins, attending corn mazes, festivals, and Halloween movies galore! Parents of the littlest autumn lovers know that picking an activity that is fun, but not scary, is key for allowing your family to enjoy...
Adopting a Baby in Kansas

Adopting a Baby in Kansas

Adoption & Beyond is proud to serve parents looking to adopt a baby in Kansas and Missouri. We’re located in Overland Park in the Kansas City area, but we serve families across both states. However, if you’re looking for information specifically on...

Online Resources for Adoptive Dads

Adoptive dads, you’re an important piece in the knitting and keeping together of a family. Children see you as a protector, authority figure, and comfortable and safe harbor in which to find peace during chaotic times. Sometimes adoption can make fathers feel...