Adoption, Blog, Featured Bloggers
There are seasons when my child is the most beautiful and exquisite being Ihave ever laid eyes on. He is funny, thoughtful, charming, earnest, sweet, and ahard worker. He is gifted, and smart, and we sing together, go on adventures,and share books, movies, and funny...
Adoption, Blog, Featured Bloggers
If there’s one constant about adoption, it’s that the process is different for everyone. Regardless of how different your adoption story may unfold, it doesn’t change that we all have the same anxiety. That’s why I created the All About Adoption Facebook Group...
Adoption, Blog, Featured Bloggers
As every adoptive and birth parent knows, adoption is a journey. It’s a roller coaster ride of ups and downs, twists and turns. It’s a journey sometimes of elation and at other times, of devastation. Our son Dylan’s adoption went fairly smoothly. This was not true in...
Adoption, Birth Mothers, Birthparent Stories
Adoption & Beyond is a partner agency with BraveLove – a pro-adoption movement dedicated to changing the perception of adoption by acknowledging birth moms for their brave decision – and together we bring you some honest stories directly from birth parents. Today,...
Adoption, Blog, Parenting
Storytelling has been a part of our culture since the beginning of time. Storytelling creates connections and strong bonds, especially for children. Reading to your child is a wonderful way to develop strong relationships and can even improve their mental health. Here...