Tips on Sharing Your Adoption News

Tips on Sharing Your Adoption News

For many adoptive parents, the adoption process is something that they keep relatively quiet. They may only tell a couple of friends or family since it can be a long and emotionally exhausting process, depending on the individual circumstances. Who adoptive parents...
How Cooking Can Help Parents and Kids Bond

How Cooking Can Help Parents and Kids Bond

Usually cooking and kids don’t go hand in hand. There are sharp knives, hot pans, and sometimes small kitchens that make it hard to have a group going all at once. But with summer on the horizon and BBQs, picnics, and many more poolside activities coming up...
Online Resources for Adoptive and Foster Parents

Online Resources for Adoptive and Foster Parents

At Adoption & Beyond, we are available to talk with you whenever you need us. We understand the immediate nature of adoption and that questions can arise all the time. Although we hope that you will come in and visit us (or call), we also know that making time for...
Honest and Touching Quotes from Adoptees

Honest and Touching Quotes from Adoptees

Adoption is a beautiful and challenging adventure, that affects birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees in different and profound ways. Adopted children who are now grown have incredibly varied experiences and reflect on their lives as adoptees in different...
Kids and Technology: How To Set Boundaries

Kids and Technology: How To Set Boundaries

Technology changes so quickly today; it can be hard to know when enough is enough. A half hour of TV was a common rule when 30-something parents were kids. What happens now when kids can leave the TV and go directly to a laptop, tablet or smartphone? Let’s look at...

Kids Activities in Kansas City: Winter Edition

Come rain, snow, or shine, parents still have to figure out what to do with their children on the weekends during the winter. And if kids stay in the house too long, they’re sure to get stir-crazy. Here’s our quick guide to activities for kids in Kansas...
Must-Read Blogs by Adoptive Parents

Must-Read Blogs by Adoptive Parents

The internet is full of bloggers covering niche topics, and adoption is no exception. We scoured the internet to find some of the best blogs by and for adoptive parents, and these four stood out from the rest regarding content, varied viewpoints, and recent activity....
Online Resources for Adoptive Dads

Online Resources for Adoptive Dads

Adoptive dads, you’re an important piece in the knitting and keeping together of a family. Children see you as the protector, authority figure, and c safe harbor in which to find peace during chaotic times. Sometimes adoption can make fathers feel like...
Fun Family Holiday Events in Johnson County

Fun Family Holiday Events in Johnson County

As the largest county in the state of Kansas, Johnson County has never been wanting for recreational activities. Our beautiful area is home to parks, gardens, and facilities for the entire family to enjoy year-round. That’s not all, though. This December, the...