Why Does Adoption Cost So Much? – Part 3

Why Does Adoption Cost So Much? – Part 3

Adoption Expenses This blog concludes a 3 part series on Adoption Expenses. If you missed an earlier installment, you can find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. Last week, we talked about why adoption costs so much. The agency fees, court costs, and many other variables...
Why Does Adoption Cost So Much? – Part 3

Why Does Adoption Cost So Much? – Part 2

Adoption Expenses This is Part 2 of a 3 part series on Adoption Expenses. If you missed Part 1, you can find it here. Have you ever wondered why adoption costs so much? If you’ve ever googled the cost, you’ve probably wondered why the cost is so high. Well, in my...
Why Does Adoption Cost So Much? – Part 3

Why Does Adoption Cost So Much? – Part 1

Adoption Expenses How much does adoption cost? I’d love to be able to give you a flat answer, but adoption can range anywhere from $0-$50,000. That’s a big range that can be daunting for families that are considering adoption. So, what makes adoption so costly? The...
How to Financially Prepare for Adoption

How to Financially Prepare for Adoption

Adoption is a fulfilling yet costly process. This, however, is no reason to shy away from it. Planning and financial preparation can help ensure your family’s experience goes as smoothly as possible. Being financially prepared before you begin the adoption process is...
Adoption and Form W-7A

Adoption and Form W-7A

TAXES & ADOPTION Adopting a child is a heartwarming decision that is driven by compassion and fueled by love. It is an exciting choice that will change your life. Welcoming a child into your home is the easy part. Unfortunately, the logistics associated with...