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As you’re watching this year’s winter Olympics, your children might be interested to learn about Olympic athletes who are also adopted. Here are four amazing winter Olympians to help spark a conversation about the wonderful things adoptees can go on to do in their lives.

Toby Dawson

Born in South Korea, Toby was adopted by ski instructors from Vail, Colorado, and currently teaches skiing in his birth country.

Surya Bonaly

Born and raised in France, Surya Bonaly competed in the Olympics three times and was the first skater in the Olympics to perform a black flip on one skate.

Christina Albert

Born in Romania, Cristina Albert is an incredibly talented Paralympic snowboarder living in Denver, Colorado, who competes with only one foot!

Aaron Parchem

Born in Columbus, Ohio, Aaron and his adopted sister were raised in Chicago, Illinois. Aaron competed in the 2006 Winter Olympics and is married to another professional skater from Poland.

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Steffany aye

Founder & Director

Connect With Me

Meet Steffany Aye, the heart behind Adoption & Beyond since its inception in 1998. Fueled by a deep passion for supporting both birth and adoptive parents, Steffany's journey as an adoptive parent has continued the foundation for this non-profit adoption agency.

Drawing from more than 26+ years of dedicated experience, Steffany and her team are committed to crafting warm, thriving families through child-centered adoptions. Their inclusive services, free from any form of discrimination, reflect Steffany's unwavering dedication to the beautiful tapestry of adoption.