Adopting a child is an exciting time in the life of a prospective adoptive family, but before starting your family there are some important steps to take. A home study helps your adoption agency understand your current readiness to take on the role of a parent while assessing the safety and preparedness of your home situation. This is also a great time for reflection as a prospective adoptive family, as adoption is a big step.

At Adoption & Beyond, we help families across Kansas and Missouri as you navigate the world of adoption. We work with expecting parents and hopeful adoptive parents, to support, educate, and help navigate the adoptive journey. One of the services we provide is the adoptive home study, and one of the questions we frequently receive from prospective adoptive families is, “what information am I required to give during the home study?” Here, we will go over the various points to include, and how they help you enrich your family.

Home Study Questions for Families in Kansas and Missouri

The home study process is thorough, and therefore takes roughly 1 to 2 months to complete. Some families take longer, depending on the current home situation and family dynamics. Some of the information you will be required to provide during your home study include:

Reason for Adopting

It is important to know why you are adopting and be able to verbalize that to your adoption agency. Raising a child is a wonderful gift, and both the child’s birth parents and the states of Kansas and Missouri, want to ensure the best care for that child.

Family and Relationships

Before adopting you will need to disclose information about your home life and extended family who may be involved with your new child. This includes information on your current relationship status, other children in the household, and your community support.  

Home and Family Environment

As part of the assessment process, your home and family environment is evaluated by your adoption coordinator. The home visit primarily serves to ensure that your home offers a safe place for a child to reside. Your home should be free from hazards and offer a child-friendly environment. 

How You are Coping with Infertility (if applicable)

Sometimes a family adopts because they are unable to conceive. Infertility is often met with feelings of loss and grief and your adoption agency will want to know how you have faced these feelings before you bring a child into your home. It is important that you give yourself the time you need to grieve this loss before adopting.

Plans for Future Child Care 

Many families in Kansas and Missouri have two parents working outside of the home. If this is the same in your household, your adoption agency will want to know your plans for childcare.

Philosophy on Parenting and Discipline

No two parents are alike, therefore, understanding your parenting style is an important point prior to adoption. Your agency will want to know how you intend to discipline, to ensure any child being placed in your home will be supported, guided, and loved.


A good agency requires training for prospective adoptive parents during the home study process. This training helps prospective parents better understand adoption, the needs of expectant parents and children as they grow. 

Summary of Adoptive Home Study

An overview of the information included in your home study will be summarized at the end, along with a recommendation from your adoption coordinator.

If you are a family residing in Kansas and Missouri and are looking for help navigating the adoption process, we invite you to reach out to Adoption & Beyond. View Home Study Services Provided by Adoption & Beyond here.