The experience of being an adoptee is incredibly unique. Adult adoptees can face challenges, questions, and difficulties that other adults may not be able to identify with. Having the support of a community with similar experiences can be incredibly healing and rewarding for adoptees.
Since the beginning of the Internet, adult adoptees have created support networks online on various platforms like Yahoo Groups, forums, and external websites. Now, however, many of the active adoptee support groups online exist in Facebook as private, closed, or public groups. Here is a list of Facebook groups for adult adoptees that are currently active. Most of these groups are closed, meaning you can’t see what’s being posted in them unless you join the group, though you can see who is in the group. For public groups, all content can be viewed by anyone. And for secret groups, no one knows it exists unless they’re invited to join the group.
Adult Adoptees Support Adopted People [Closed Group]
Asian Adult Adoptees of Washington [Closed Group]
Adult Adoptee Network [Closed Group]
Adult Adoptees of Color [Closed Group]
Adoptees Support Group [Closed Group]
Filipino Adoptees Network [Closed Group]
Network of Family Service Professionals: Ethiopian Adult Adoptees Group [Public Group]
TAP 101 for Adult Transracial Adoptees [Closed Group]
Adult Korean Adoptees of Portland [Closed Group]
Korean Adoptees [Closed Group]
Korean American Adoptees [Closed Group]
Adopted Adults Support Group [Closed Group]
Adoption Reunion Search and Support Group [Closed Group]
Christian Adoptees Support Group [Closed Group]
Texas DNA and Adoptee Search Support [Closed Group]
Are you part of an adoptee support group that’s not on this list? We’d love to add it!