To learn more about the Fee Schedule (below), please view the video from Steffany Aye:
Welcome to our Fee Schedule. You can see in FULL TRANSPARENCY our fee schedule so you know what to expect without any surprises. We believe a successful partnership starts at the very beginning with integrity, trust and communication.
How’s that for a change?
Home Study Fee Schedule
A home study is an educational tool used by Adoption & Beyond, Inc. (Agency) to assess and prepare Hopeful Adoptive Parents (Family) to adopt a child.
Adoption & Beyond, Inc. is available to perform domestic, international, private, foster care and embryo adoptive home study assessments. An approved home study is required to adopt a child.
Once Family receives placement of a child, supervision visits are required to ensure healthy adjustments for everyone. The number and timing of supervision reports are determined by the placing agency, country, and/or state. Usually, 4 – 6 visits are needed.
Domestic Infant Adoption Fee Schedule
Adoption & Beyond, Inc.’s (Agency) domestic infant adoption program offers support, and guidance, throughout the adoption process and beyond. Once Hopeful Adoptive Parents (Family) completes their home study (for residents of Kansas & Missouri we offer Home Study Services) they are welcome to apply for entrance into Agency’s Domestic Infant Adoption Program. An Agency Adoption occurs when a home study approved Family is selected by an Expecting Parent (Birth Family) working with Agency on an adoptive placement plan.
Click here to view the Agency Domestic Infant Adoption Fee Schedule
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Request An Adoption Infomation Packet.