Infant Domestic Adoption Fee Schedule

To learn more about the Fee Schedule (below), please view the video from Steffany Aye:

Adoption & Beyond, Inc.’s (Agency) domestic adoption program offers support, and guidance throughout the adoption process and beyond. Once Hopeful Adoptive Parents (Family) complete their home study ( for residents of Kansas & Missouri we offer Home Study Services ) they are welcome to apply for entrance into the Agency’s Adoption Program. An Agency Adoption occurs when a home study-approved Family is selected by an Expecting Parent/Birth Parent (Birth Family) working with the Agency on an adoptive placement plan.

Type of Service


Agency Entrance  

Type of Service

The agency entrance fee includes one or more of the following Services provided by the Agency:


  • Reviewing and processing the Family’s application.
  • Intake interview.
  • A professionally designed adoption profile book that showcases the Family’s unique story (online and print), a personal adoption website, blog, and custom profile video. Social media promotion & 24/7 exposure on the Agency’s and multiple other adoption-related websites, for maximum visibility.


  • Upon submission of the application.
  • Refundable if the application is not approved by the Agency.

Agency Program

Type of Service

The agency support and networking fee includes one or more of the following Services provided by the Agency:


  • Intake, screening, and education of Birth Families.
  • A personal adoption coordinator, to guide you every step of the way.
  • Access our private adoption community to get additional support.
  • Agencies rolodex of additional adoption professionals to connect with, to increase the Family’s adoption opportunities exponentially.
  • Adoption opportunities via the Agency’s network with other adoption professionals.
  • Community outreach and adoption training to hospitals, clinics, crisis pregnancy centers, schools, colleges, counselors, clergy, etc. provided by the Agency to support Birth Families.


  • Submission of agency program paperwork.
  • Fee is wavied for Family’s who completed home study with the Agency.
  • The Family is required to update their home study annually to remain active in the program.
  • There is no time limit; the Family can remain in the Agency’s adoption program until a child enters the Family’s home via adoption or birth, etc.

Agency Matching

Type of Service

The domestic adoption matching fee includes one or more of the following Services provided by the Agency:


  • The Agency coordinates the initial match meeting between the Family and the expecting Birth Family.
  • The Agency makes available for review to the Family the Birth Family’s self-reported social and medical history.
  • The Agency disburses and manages the Birth Family’s pregnancy-related living expenses and counseling.
  • The Agency assists the Birth Family in creating their hospital plan and shares it with the Family, attorneys, and hospital social worker.
  • The Agency collaborates with the adoption attorneys throughout the process to ensure all placement requirements are met.
  • The Agency is available to provide the Family and the Birth Family with continued guidance throughout the match and adoption process.


  • Within 7 days of match with the Birth Family or at the time of placement for an expedited adoption.
  • $4,000 is refundable if the Birth Family changes their mind about the adoption plan. The remaining can be recouped, through a non-finalized federal adoption tax credit**.
  • Payment via check or money order only.

Agency Placement

Type of Service

The domestic agency placement fee includes one or more of the following Services provided by the Agency:


  • The Agency serves as liaison with hospital social workers regarding the hospital experience and emotional support is provided to everyone during the hospital stay.
  • The Agency coordinates the signing of the adoption paperwork.
  • The Agency’s representation at adoption court hearings.
  • The Agency provides comprehensive post-adoption support for the Birth Family: Grief support, case management, 6 weeks of post-partum living expenses, and access to a large community of supportive birth parents.
  • The Family will have lifelong access to the Agency for continued guidance, resources, and support for the joys, and concerns as your child grows.


  • It is due 30 days before the expected due date or at the time of placement for an expedited adoption.
  • Refundable if the placement is disrupted by the Birth Family or the Courts before the finalization of the adoption.
  • Payment via check, or money order only.

Third-Party Fees

The following are typical costs the Family pays directly to a third party as part of the domestic adoption process. These variable costs are more difficult to estimate, since each domestic adoption opportunity is different, and the fees will vary accordingly. The Family understands that these are estimates only for planning purposes and these estimates are provided solely as a courtesy. The Family agrees to release, indemnify, and hold the Agency harmless from any and all claims, damages, and injuries caused by any inaccuracy in these estimated third-party expenses.

Type of Service

Attorney Expenses

  • The Family will need to retain an adoption-competent attorney and be responsible for the Birth Family’s attorney costs as well. These fees are paid directly to the respective attorneys. The range of fees depends on the complexity of each specific adoption case.
  • A resource list of adoption-competent attorneys is provided for the Family to select from.


  • A retainer fee is due upon working with an attorney.

Medical Expenses

  • In rare cases, the Family may be responsible for unpaid medical expenses not otherwise covered by insurance for the Birth Family and/or the child, related to the pregnancy and birth of the child, including any paternity testing, (hereinafter referred to as the “Medical Expenses”), the Family shall be responsible for paying the Medical Expenses to the extent that such Medical Expenses are actually incurred and are not fully covered or not fully paid or reimbursed by a health benefit plan, including, but not limited to, Medicaid.
  • The Agency recommends that the Family checks with their private health insurance and asks when they start medical coverage for the child. Due to the ERISA Act of 1974, a child can be added to the Family’s health insurance before finalization of the adoption. Usually, coverage will start at the time the child is placed with the Family, but it may also begin at the time of the child’s birth. Occasionally, a Family’s insurance company will even cover the costs of the Birth Mother’s medical bills.

$0- $10,000+/ if there is no medical insurance coverage

  • Upon receipt of an invoice or medical bill.

Minimum Total Cost for the Domestic Adoption Program

*Cost, varies depending on the complexity of an individual case



Applying the Federal Adoption Tax Credit to the mininmum total cost

**Check the IRS for the current credit amount and eligibility requirements.



From the moment you join our adoption program, we will provide you with support throughout the entire adoption process—through the finalization of your baby’s adoption and beyond.

If you’d like more information on the other fee schedules, please click below to go back to the selection page.

Interested in learning more about The Ultimate Guide to Adopting a Child?  Check out our entire guide here.