An unplanned pregnancy brings many different emotions for a woman. For those who may be concerned parenthood isn’t the right choice for them at this point in life, many like yourself seek guidance in making a plan for the future of their child and for themselves. No matter what your ultimate decision turns out to be, Adoption & Beyond is here to help.
Adoption & Beyond works with prospective birth parents to develop an adoption plan if that is the avenue you choose to take. When you become pregnant, the most important thing is always the health and safety of you and your baby.
Here, we’ll walk you through the two main options you have as an expectant mom.
Placing a Child for AdoptionÂ
If a child isn’t going to be raised by their birth family, adoption is the next best thing. There are thousands of couples in the world who desperately want to love and raise a child. Choosing an adoptive family to raise your child is one of the most loving and courageous acts you can make if you are unable or aren’t ready to parent your child.
For birth parents who are not prepared to parent their child and give them everything they believe they deserve, adoption can provide the opportunity for you to create the future you want, and your child to have the opportunity to dream and excel as well.
Choosing to Parent Your Child
Sometimes we speak with parents who are unsure about the adoptive journey. At Adoption & Beyond we support birth parents in making all the decisions regarding your child’s best interest. Becoming a parent can be a joyful and rewarding life-long experience. If you feel you have the financial security, a stable home environment, and the love and patience to raise a child, we stand by your decision to parent.
Speaking to an Adoption Coordinator
Adoption & Beyond strives to meet the needs of children, birth parents, and adoptive parents by providing quality adoption services. We are here to support you in your journey as you make decisions for yourself and your child. Our experienced adoption coordinators provide you with one-on-one guidance and care to help you find the right adoptive family for your child. We also provide resources to help you, parent, if you choose to raise your child.
Adoption & Beyond’s r role is a supportive one. To listen, mentor, and help you in every way possible.
For more information about Adoption & Beyond and your options as a birth parent, call or text Adoption & Beyond at 1-913-381-6919.
Interested in learning more about Placing Your Child for Adoption in Kansas and Missouri? Check out our entire guide here.