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When the alarm goes off in the morning and you drag yourself out of bed to start the regular routine, it’s hard to think of fun. That long morning list that begins with feeding the dog and ends with rushing through school traffic to drop the kids off doesn’t leave much room for creativity or even laughter (much less packed lunches for the parents!). Our lives are so often full of “To Do” lists and laundry weekends that we forget to stop and make plans together.

Setting aside special time to simply have fun and enjoy the company of family proves to be an exception and important bonding experience and brings families closer together. Creating positive memories together helps families build strong bonds that stand the test of time.

This is especially true for families with recently adopted children or families experiencing stress or emotional upheaval. Even the U.S. Department of Health developed a program that focuses on the importance of family bonding to reduce emotional and behavioral problems in children. Read Adoption in Child Time’s research article entitled ‘What is Bonding and Why Does It Matter?’ Here.

It’s nearly fall and we all know that means family-friendly fun well into the holiday months.

Make some time to laugh together and explore some of the local family activities below.

Some of our top picks for family fun going on this month:


Dancefestopia – Kansas City, MO – Sep 9 to Sep 11, 2016
This event features several days of music, helicopter rides, art, camping, and so much more.

Jesse James Festival – Kearney, MO – Sep 9 to Sep 18, 2016
For those wanting some BBQ, be sure to stop by this festival. It also features a carnival, crafts, rodeo, and demolition derby.

Kansas City Chalk & Walk Festival – Kansas City, MO – Sep 10 to Sep 11, 2016
A FREE art festival with painting and workshops.

National Harvest Festival – Branson, MO – Sep 14 to Oct 29, 2016
This is a must see event. From wild mustangs to the cowboy life and a wild west show, there is something for everyone.


Kansas State Fair – Hutchinson, KS – Sep 9 to Sep 18, 2016
Well-known to most Kansas residents, this fair boasts a carnival for the kids and car show for the parents. A petting zoo, tractor pull, and pig races round out the fun.

Derby BBQ Festival – Derby, KS – Sep 10 to Sep 10, 2016
A chocolate chip cookie bake-off for kids and a regular cook-off for parents. Come for the food, stay for the fun!

Spring Hill Fall Festival – Spring Hill, KS – Sep 17 to Sep 17, 2016
A long-running event with a parade, crafts, food, and music.

Kincaid Free Fair – Kincaid, KS – Sep 22 to Sep 24, 2016
Explore this small town and enjoy their annual carnival.


For a complete list of festivals, check out Funtober.

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Meet Steffany Aye, the heart behind Adoption & Beyond since its inception in 1998. Fueled by a deep passion for supporting both birth and adoptive parents, Steffany's journey as an adoptive parent has continued the foundation for this non-profit adoption agency.

Drawing from more than 26+ years of dedicated experience, Steffany and her team are committed to crafting warm, thriving families through child-centered adoptions. Their inclusive services, free from any form of discrimination, reflect Steffany's unwavering dedication to the beautiful tapestry of adoption.