As a healthcare provider, you are tasked with overseeing the wellbeing of your patients. For women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, there are both physical and emotional aspects of care to be considered.

Experiencing an unplanned pregnancy is a life-changing event and one which some women are unprepared for. As you guide your patients through the ups and downs of pregnancy, it is important to ensure the expectant mother understands all her options.

At Adoption & Beyond, we believe that every child is born with the purpose of being loved. Finding healthy and happy families for children who are unable to remain with their birth parents is important to us. Part of our goal to provide these children with good homes comes through education and the creation of resources for expectant parents and healthcare practitioners. Here, we have included some important information from our Adoption Guide for Healthcare providers Dealing with Birth Parents.

Be Transparent and Neutral

Providing an unbiased opinion is not difficult for most healthcare providers. Physicians are tasked with putting personal opinions on hold to better treat patients regularly. In the case of pregnancy, maintaining neutrality is crucial, as your recommendations are respected and could sway parental decisions.

As you provide your patient with the available options during pregnancy, transparency is key. Being open and honest about all the potential paths your patient may choose is just as important as remaining neutral throughout. Part of this transparency involves providing all the facts on each option, including pros and cons, so patients make informed decisions going forward.

Offer a Question and Answer Time 

Nobody has all the answers regarding unplanned pregnancy, but as a healthcare professional you certainly have more answers than the average person. Being an authority in your field, you also have access to resources to support expectant parents.

As you proceed with a patient, consider setting aside time during an appointment strictly for questions and answers. This opens the door for parents who may otherwise be too shy to ask about their options, and allows you to supply your patients with websites, local supports, and pamphlets which may be useful going forward.

Seek Help When Needed 

As an authority in medicine, patients seek your advice when there is a medical question they cannot answer alone. Similarly, you are not alone in your support of patients who are seeking options during pregnancy. At Adoption & Beyond we often work closely with medical professionals, helping them guide patients with counsel and support. Seeking help when you need it ensures your patient receives the best care, and the most accurate and up to date information available.

Adoption & Beyond Supports Healthcare Professionals 

If you are interested in learning more about the role Adoption & Beyond plays with expectant parents here in Kansas and Missouri, we invite you to contact us at 1-913-271-3554. If you are a healthcare provider looking for further resources on guiding patients through adoption, please download our Adoption Guide for Healthcare Providers Dealing with Birth Parents here.