Adoption and Beyond is now a partner agency with BraveLove – A pro-adoption movement dedicated to changing the perception of adoption by acknowledging birth moms for their brave decision – and together we bring you some honest stories directly from birth parents. The second BraveLove story we are sharing is Sarah’s as she shares her emotional journey as a young woman facing an unexpected pregnancy. Watch the video to hear more about her story.
Sarah’s Story from BraveLove: When Sarah was 24, she found out she was pregnant. She always wanted to be a mom but was overcome by fear when this reality came so unexpectedly. She knew immediately this path was going to be difficult, but wanted to do what was best for her son. Sarah chose to place her son with a loving family through adoption! This journey brought them closer than they ever imagined possible. Watch as Sarah and the family she placed with, share an honest portrayal of not only the struggle, but also the joy and beauty that has come from their open adoption.
Interested in learning more about Placing Your Child for Adoption in Kansas and Missouri? Check out our entire guide here.