Birth Parent Series with BraveLove – Adrianne’s Story

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Adoption and Beyond is now a partner agency with BraveLove – A pro-adoption movement dedicated to changing the perception of adoption by acknowledging birth moms for their brave decision – and together we bring you some honest stories directly from birth parents. The third BraveLove story we are sharing is Adrianne’s as she shares her journey to realize how adoption could be a real option. Watch the video to hear more about her story.

Adrianne’s Story from BraveLove: When Adrianne found out she was pregnant she thought her life was over. She never imagined adoption being an option for her. It wasn’t until her mom placed a packet of information about adoption on her bed that she realized the pros of adoption actually outweighed the cons. Watch as she shares with us how she chose parents for her son, where this relationship is today and talks more about those who helped her along the way.

Interested in learning more about Placing Your Child for Adoption in Kansas and Missouri?  Check out our entire guide here. 


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