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Adoptive parents, birth parents, and adoptees often need to connect with other people who have similar experiences that they do. As many of us know, it can sometimes be difficult for those not in the adoption community to understand some of what we go through.

Because of this, adoption support groups have sprung up around the country. Because Adoption & Beyond is an adoption agency licensed in Kansas and Missouri, this list includes adoption support group resources only in Kansas and Missouri.

We’ve previously created a list of Kansas City area adoption support groups, but we wanted to expand this list to cover more of Kansas and Missouri.

Metropolitan Adoption Council’s list of Kansas City area support groups, includes groups for adoptive and birth parents, as well as for parents who have adopted from specific countries abroad. has a list of adoption support groups throughout Kansas and Missouri. There are no websites associated with these groups, but the list includes addresses and phone numbers. These groups are listed at the bottom of their page.

Genealogy Today also has a fantastic list of support groups in Kansas, and it divides the groups into categories based on whether they serve adoptees, birth parents, or adoptive parents.

The Daniel Boone Regional Library has a short list of adoption support groups in Columbia, MO and surrounding areas.

Did we miss any? If so, visit us on Facebook and let us know!

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Meet Steffany Aye, the heart behind Adoption & Beyond since its inception in 1998. Fueled by a deep passion for supporting both birth and adoptive parents, Steffany's journey as an adoptive parent has continued the foundation for this non-profit adoption agency.

Drawing from more than 26+ years of dedicated experience, Steffany and her team are committed to crafting warm, thriving families through child-centered adoptions. Their inclusive services, free from any form of discrimination, reflect Steffany's unwavering dedication to the beautiful tapestry of adoption.