Listed below are families who have indicated a desire to be a part of our reference list. Each family has their unique story, and we encourage you to contact any of the families listed below to hear their adoption story or to obtain a reference for Adoption & Beyond.
Domestic Agency Adoptions in Kansas and Missouri
Mark & Kelly Kommers
Have adopted a sweet little boy through our agency and have maintained an open adoption with both the birth parents.
Have adopted a sweet little boy through our agency and have maintained an open adoption with both the birth parents.
Keenan & Emily Stump
Have adopted one sweet little boy through our agency and have an open adoption with the birth mother.
John & Jennifer Puhak
Have adopted one child through our agency as an infant. They have also since adopted a daughter from foster care as a toddler. Their first daughter is bi-racial.
Have adopted one child through our agency as an infant. They have also since adopted a daughter from foster care as a toddler. Their first daughter is bi-racial.
John & Rhonda Boyd
Have adopted two children through our agency as infants many years ago. They have extremely open adoptions with both of their children’s birth parents.
Have adopted two children through our agency as infants many years ago. They have extremely open adoptions with both of their children’s birth parents.
Domestic Private Adoptions in Kansas and Missouri
Casey & Becky Murawski
Have adopted a baby boy at birth through a private adoption in California. This family received a Missouri subsidy based on their child’s needs.
Have adopted a baby boy at birth through a private adoption in California. This family received a Missouri subsidy based on their child’s needs.
John & Liz Indellicate
Have adopted four children, one as an infant through Adoption & Beyond’s domestic agency adoption program, two at birth through a private adoption with the same birth mother and one through the foster care as a toddler. They have open adoption with all the children’s birth parents.
Have adopted four children, one as an infant through Adoption & Beyond’s domestic agency adoption program, two at birth through a private adoption with the same birth mother and one through the foster care as a toddler. They have open adoption with all the children’s birth parents.
Glen & Megan Stach
Have two children one who was adopted through a referral resource. They have an open adoption with their birth mother who lives in another state.
Have two children one who was adopted through a referral resource. They have an open adoption with their birth mother who lives in another state.
Jeff Williams & Kristen Welborn
Have adopted two children, both through private adoptions. They have very open adoptions with the birth parents of their children.
Have adopted two children, both through private adoptions. They have very open adoptions with the birth parents of their children.
International Adoptions
Shawn & Gayly Conard
Have six children, two birth children and four adopted from China at various ages and special needs.
Have six children, two birth children and four adopted from China at various ages and special needs.
Ryan & Annette Vaughn
Have three children, one was adopted from Taiwan and two from China, all adopted a various ages.
Have three children, one was adopted from Taiwan and two from China, all adopted a various ages.
Antigone Means
Is a single parent she has eight children, two are biological children, two who were adopted  from foster care, one who was adopted from Ethiopia and 3 who were adopted from China. She is in the process of her final adoption from China, all of her adopted children were adopted at various ages and some have special needs.
Is a single parent she has eight children, two are biological children, two who were adopted  from foster care, one who was adopted from Ethiopia and 3 who were adopted from China. She is in the process of her final adoption from China, all of her adopted children were adopted at various ages and some have special needs.
Ethiopia (Currently Closed to Adoptions)
Josh Hunt & Casey Chorice Hunt
Have one child adopted as a toddler from Ethiopia. In the process of adopting a second child from Ethiopia.
Have one child adopted as a toddler from Ethiopia. In the process of adopting a second child from Ethiopia.
GUATEMALA (Currently Closed to Adoptions)
Lenoard & Janet Thooft
Have two children one adopted as a young infant and one adopted as an older toddler.
Have two children one adopted as a young infant and one adopted as an older toddler.
El Salvador
Shawn & Kathy Morkert
Have two biological children and adopted one little girl from El Salvador and are in the process of adopting their daughter’s best friend from the country as well.
Have two biological children and adopted one little girl from El Salvador and are in the process of adopting their daughter’s best friend from the country as well.
Russia (currently Closed to adoptions)
Andy & Laura Slusher
Have five children, two through birth and three children adopted from Russia.
Have five children, two through birth and three children adopted from Russia.