Agency Assisted Private Adoption Fee Schedule

To learn more about the Fee Schedule (below), please view the video from Steffany Aye:

Adoption & Beyond, Inc. (Agency) offers Private Adoption Services to Hopeful Adoptive Parents (AP) who wish to or who have located an Expecting Birth Parents (BP) and want to utilize the professional guidance, knowledge and support of a licensed agency.

Type of Fee
Fee Due Date

Agency Assisted Self-Matching 

Type of Fee

AP is primarily seeking to self-match to find their own private adoption situation, but want the guidance and support of an Agency. 

The Agency Assisted Self-Matching  fee includes one or more of the following services provided by Agency:


  • Guidance on the various on-line educational courses and services available to teach you how to find your own self-matched adoption opportunity through social media and personal outreach, etc. 
  • Guidance on who to have create your adoption profile, outreach materials and video
  • Personalized review and feedback on adoption profile
  • Assistance with screening potential BP
  • Agency will share professional evaluation of the potential match, so you can determine it is the right adoption opportunity your family
  • Agency assists AP in developing their own unique relationship with BP while making plans for the child’s future
  • Resources for counseling services for the BP before and after placement
  • Provide you with Social and Medical Background materials to send to BP
  • Assistance with developing the hospital plan and connecting with the hospital social worker.
  • Resource list of adoption attorneys for AP and BP once an adoption opportunity is identified
  • Assistance with connecting the BP with lifelong post-adoption care and support
  • AP will receive support through the entire adoption process, from before a BP is identified through your placement and finalization of your adoption
  • Monthly newsletter 
  • On-line support group
  • Telephone, email and text support
  • Core mission costs (scanning, copying, phone calls, postage, etc.)


Fee Due Date

Once AP decides they want Agency’s guidance for self-matching adoption



This fee is non-refundable


Third Party Expenses (Estimated variable expenses that are not paid to Adoption & Beyond)

Profile Books

Type of Fee

Creating your Adoption Profile Books through an on-line photo service or hire someone professionally to complete your book


$90 – $500

Fee Due Date

When you begin to create your profile book.

On-line Educational Courses & Services

Type of Fee

Varies on-line educational courses & services teaching you how to find your own private adoption opportunity through social media and personal outreach, etc. 


$1,000 – $2,000

Fee Due Date

Upon registration of on-line Adoption Education Courses

*The following variable direct costs related to Domestic Adoptions are more difficult to estimate, each domestic adoption is different and the fees will vary accordingly. AP understands that these are estimates only for planning purposes and these estimates are provided solely as a courtesy and AP agrees to release, indemnify and hold Agency harmless from any and all claims, damages and injuries caused by any inaccuracy in these estimated costs.

Pre and Post-Adoption Counseling

Type of Fee

A BP will need counseling before and after placement.

  • Agency will provide AP with counseling resources.



$450 – $2,000

Fee Due Date

Paid to entity providing counseling

Pregnancy Related Living Expenses

Type of Fee

A BP may need financial assistance for rent, utilities, maternity clothes, food, transportation, etc. while pregnant and up to six (6) weeks post-placement.

  • These expenses are determined on a case by case basis. They are expenses you have agreed to pay and that are allowed by law. 
  • If BP decides to parent child, living expenses paid are considered a gift and cannot be recovered



*$0 – $3,000+

Fee Due Date

Funds provided to attorney managing the living expenses


If BP decides to parent her child, the expenses disbursed are considered a gift and cannot be legally recovered.


Attorney Expenses

Type of Fee

AP will need to retain an adoption attorney and be responsible for the BP’s attorney costs as well. These fees are paid directly to the respective attorneys. The range in fees depends on the complexity of each specific adoption case. 

  • Agency will provide AP a list of adoption attorneys




Fee Due Date

Paid to attorneys upon signing the adoption opportunity agreement

Medicaid Application Assistance

Type of Fee

If the BP does not have medical coverage. Agency uses a third-party service to assist BP in obtaining Medicaid. There is no guarantee BP will qualify or cooperate with the application process.


*$500 – $750

Fee Due Date

Prior to Medicaid application assistance forms being submitted to third party


Fee is refunded if BP does not qualify for Medicaid


Miscellaneous Adoption Expenses for KS or MO Adoption:

The Following Fees Only Apply if you have a Kansas or Missouri Private Adoption and want Agency Assistance

Private Adoption Initial Meeting with KS or MO Expecting Birth Mother

Type of Fee

The initial meeting with BP fee includes one or more of the following services provided by Agency:

  • Educating about the adoption process
  • Evaluating reasons for creating an adoption plan and assessing any potential concerns with plan
  • Compiling BP’s (self-reported) Social and Medical Background and sending Social and Medical Background materials to Alleged Father (if able)


Fee Due Date
Prior to meeting with BP (paid by AP)

Private Adoption Support and Education Services

Type of Fee

If BP lives in Kansas or Missouri the Private Adoption Support and Education Services fee includes one or more of the following services provided by Agency:

  • Providing preparation for adoption throughout the adoption process, including but not limited to pre-adoption education, guidance, and emotional support 
  • Expenses for in-person meetings with BP (travel, mileage, meals, snacks and/or beverages)
  • Collaboration with AP and BP’s attorneys
  • Communicating with other professionals involved in the adoption process
  • Assist BP in creating hospital plan and sharing plan with AP, BP’s attorney and hospital social worker 
  • Emotional support to BP and AP at the hospital
Fee Due Date
Once AP and/or BP decide they want the Agency’s assistance with their private adoption process
Travel Expenses
Type of Fee

Travel up to 60 miles Round Trip (RT) is included in the fees paid for Private Adoption Services. A travel fee is charged for reimbursement to case workers for services provided further than 60 miles (RT) from Agency’s office or closest regional case worker. If an overnight stay is required, there will be an additional Hotel/Meal expense fee of $200 to cover the cost.


per mile

Fee Due Date
Prior to meeting with BP or upon billing (paid by AP)
Court Hearings
Type of Fee

If AP’s adoption occurs in MO, courts usually require Agency to attend BP’s and AP’s court hearing(s). Fee includes one or more of the following services provided by Agency:

  • Present at court hearing via in person or via teleconference 
  • Reviewing post-placement reports from out- of-state agency 
  • Writing court report (if applicable)
    • Coordination with all adoption professionals 
    • Preparing court documents needed from agency

each hearing
(Generally MO requires two (2) and KS requires one (1))

Fee Due Date
Pre-payment of all court hearings due prior to Temporary Custody Court Hearing

Interstate Compact Paperwork

Type of Fee

When an adoption occurs across state lines, paperwork must be prepared and submitted to both states before the child can legally cross state lines. ICPC fee includes one or more of the following services provided by Agency:

  • Preparing and compiling the necessary paperwork needed for both states
  • Core mission costs (scanning, copying, phone calls, express postage, etc.)


Fee Due Date
Prior to paperwork being initiated

If you’d like more information on the other fee schedules, please click below to go back to the selection page.

Interested in learning more about The Ultimate Guide to Adopting a Child?  Check out our entire guide here.